Posted by: motomaps | June 25, 2007

Rating System?

June 25th, 2007

As i pack up in my motel room — planning on a quick trip along the coast and a visit to Pictou before taking the ferry to PEI — I started to reflect on my time in Nova Scotia.  To tell you the truth, I kinda have a love/hate relationship with this place.  I saw some beautiful things, and had some unique experiences, but i was also cold and wet a lot also…

I know that it’s only a snap-shot in time – and one guys opinion, but i thought that as i passed through an area (ie. Nova Scotia) that i would sum up my experiences into a constant rating system.  A quick summary to look back upon when i return.

Okay.  on a 1 – 10 scale (10 being the best) — here are my criteria (and I’ll rate Nova Scotia in a seperate posting)


Road Conditions


Conveniences (how easy is it to get supplies and to communicate)

Lodging (ease to find, cleanliness, general condition)


Friendliness of Locals

Safety (how secure did i feel about leaving my bike unattended, etc.)

Overall Experience


  1. Keith, this is great. I’m excited to read your blog everyday. And like your brother, I’m also living vicariously through you while you’re on this solo trip.

    May I make one suggestion?

    Over the last few years I’ve taken up running in the morning. That includes running while on vacation, business or for what ever reason I’m on the road. I wake up early and go for a 3 or 4 mile jaunt. It’s a good way to see the little things you normally wouldn’t see if you were in your car or on your bike. So if you have the time, go for a run! You can turn this into “Keith Myers – Finding America” to “Keith Myers – Finding My Feet”!!

    Save travels man!

  2. Wow! There is no WoodenLoon posting here yet. Keith this is a great blog. Thanks for sharing it with us. Unfortunately you left the Loon here. Enjoy your trip and continue to blog. It is healthy for you and and it will keep you regular.

    In a previous post you mentioned ‘sweepers’. What does that refer to? road conditions? types of vistas? or guys in bright colored jump suits on the side of the road?


  3. Tell me more about these guys in jumpsuits…

    seriously, sweepers are long “sweeping” curves in the road. something that you can come into a a decent speed and continue to accelerate as you ride through it.

  4. Judd,

    Great suggestion. i’ll start with walking… Jen wouldn’t mind a slimmer more fit husband by the end of this trip.

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